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KUDOS to our MRW Members….
To Mary Ann Sexton, who will be collecting members’ donations of cotton fabric for use by the Quilts of Valor organization, which sews and distributes quilts to wounded and disabled veterans.
To Marge Gruenes, MFRW president and MRW member and former president, who gave an inspiring address to delegates at the GOP state convention in Rochester and who organized a successful Take Back the State convention breakfast to honor Minnesota’s Republican women leaders.
To Associate Member Richard Aguilar and MRW member Maria de la Paz, who addressed the state convention with their powerful message of expanding the role of minority communities in our party.
To Lindsay Johnson, doctoral candidate in chemistry at the University of Minnesota, who is part of a team of eight graduate students chosen to present a symposium entitled, “Academic Innovations for Tomorrow’s Industries,” a day-long event at the 250th American Chemical Society’s National Meeting which will bring 15,000 people to Boston, MA, in August 2015. Read more in the Department of Chemistry’s website, here: http://www.chem.umn.edu/news/news.lasso?serial=719.
To Kathi Ross, who chaired a very successful May Silent Auction fundraiser again this year, and to all who contributed to this effort to fund the operations of our club.
To Christina Wilson Norman, who together with her husband and MRW Associate Member, Nick Norman, has redesigned and re-launched the MRW website and is undertaking work on the MFRW website as well.
To Jane Jasmin, Laura Siegel, Jill Sims, Colette Jorgensen, and Celeste Eide for organizing an outstanding Pizza, Beer & Politics Senatorial Candidate Forum, which followed on the heels of an excellent PB&E Gubernatorial Candidate Meet & Greet.
To Jane Jasmin, Deb Kaczmarek, Elaine Loesch, Kathi Ross, and Eileen Tompkins, who hosted a SD57 event honoring newly-elected precinct and BPOU officers in the Rosemount, Apple Valley, and Coates area.
To the Margaret and Terry Flower family, Laura Siegel, Andrea Todd-Harlin, Colette Jorgensen, Celeste Eide, Christina Wilson Norman and all members who participated in the drawing for the Twins tickets/limo service/gift card package. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help fund MRW projects in the coming year. Congratulations to Mitzi Miller, who won the drawing.
To the record number of MRW members who participated as delegates and alternates to the GOP State Convention and to those members who in other ways advanced the goals of MRW at the convention—including Monica Jensen, Pat Meisner, and Candy Reyes, who staffed the MFRW table for the long hours of the convention, Margaret and Terry Flower, Fran Laufle, Laura Siegel, Deb Kaczmarek, Monica Jensen, Kim Gilsrud, Kathi Ross, Elaine Loesch, Janet Beihoffer, Christina and Nick Norman, Rhonda Sivarajah, Pam and Chuck Myhra, Kathie Roberts and Jennette Gudgel, who assisted with and/or attended the Take Back the State breakfast, Colette Jorgensen and Celeste Eide, who prepared an eye-popping silent auction basket, and Connie Mack, who carried on a one-woman marathon campaign to inform convention-attendees about Common Core.
To MRW recording secretary Jill Sims, who in early May received her Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of St. Thomas.
Please let us hear your news, too! Contact Deb Kaczmarek with details.